Tuesday, December 12, 2017

blog post 9

My freshman year I have done a lot. I have tried out a new sport called water polo. I met my best friend Gio and through him, I met my other best friend his big brother, Angelo. We always talk to each other help each other out. Its like they became my brothers. In the beginning of my freshman year, I didn't want to complete work. It was just like middle school. I thought I could turn in stuff when I wanted. But I realized that teachers won't just except late work like they did last year. Angelo told me and my parents told me if I want to graduate I would have to do my work and if I didn't I wouldn't  graduate. So I got off my lazy butt and started getting to work. Now I have no D's and all my C's are close to B's so hopefully, those will go up. So I could graduate with at least a 3.0 so I could go to a good college.

Monday, December 4, 2017


 I am grateful for everything and everyone. I am grateful to be able to be able to type this up right now. To me grattitude isnt just when your happy but  its hard to be grateful when sad. I recently lost my grandmother and even though im sad i should be thankful that I got to spend the time i spent with her. She was a great lady and is in a better place and im grateful for that. We take for granted to even be happy let lone be said so we just have to try to make the best out of every situatiation. So thats what gratitude means to me.

Monday, November 13, 2017

blog post 7

My video that hit one million hits would most likely be a gaming video. On youtube, I would love to get paid and famous for sitting in a chair and playing video games. It would probably be titled CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS 4 FUNNY MOMENTS or something cringe like that to draw in views but I won't be another Durv I just will record for a couple of hours and get the funny moments and cut the boring moments out. No click bait. it Will probably consist me and some friends killings zombies and us just having a good time.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

blog post 6

If I had to spend one year in the past or future I would pick the past. I would go to the past because I would be able to meet Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John from the bible. I would like to meet them to ask what was God like or better yet I would try and meet him before he died and resurrected. But if I went to the future I would like to see how my family was doing. 100 years after I had passed away.  But the past sounds way cooler.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thought provoking question

If I had a large area to broadcast a message to it would be that Black lives matter is vile. African Americans these days believe that it is fair for them to say stuff about white people and harass them because of the many injustices our ancestors faced. Of course, I'm not saying that blacks aren't going through injustices we are in some cases racially profiled and treated differently. In my opinion, I don't think killing others and destroying workplaces and homes helps us with anything. It, in fact, creates more bad stereotypes about blacks. What I would like to broadcast is how people in other countries cant do what the want and when they want. I would broadcast that when people kneel during the pledge it is stupid. The reason that it is stupid is that black women are kneeling during the pledge but women in places like Iraq are not allowed to drive or walk around with a hijab. I think we need to stop having these first world problems and see that we a species have gone through way worse. We have come so far but we are going downhill.

blog post 5

Thursday, October 19, 2017

In five years.....

In Five years I hope to be on my way in life. Out of the house and able to do what I want. But I also hope to be on my way to college. I hope I make a lot of friends at my college. I also hope to be able to get a scholarship for baseball and or water polo. I think it would be cool to be able to get a scholarship.I hope (fingers crossed)  I can have a female partner to spend my time with. I also hope to have an apartment or dorm and I want a good paying job to support my self and my partner. so that's where I hope I am in 5 years.

Monday, October 16, 2017

My favorite place

     My favorite place in the whole wide world was my stepdad's old hotel room in Philadelphia where I spent a few nights hanging out with him because he got a job out there. The reason I liked it so much because it was a fresh and new place to experience. Also from there, we went to a TON of places like Hersheys water park, Atlantic City, and we also went to visit some friends and family in Virginia. All and all it was very fun experience and I can't wait to go back. The best experience I had there was the time at Atlantic city.  My dad and I went to Atlantic city which is a boardwalk where you have games and stores. The ocean was my favorite part because me and my dad were just swimming and having fun the whole entire day. I also had my first gyro their and I got to see Trump Casino which was cool in all but there was a lot of employees going on strike. I don't know exactly why but I think it was about them not getting paid enough. So yeah that was some memories of my favorite place.

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Greetings fleshy mammals I am ectoplasmic. I come from hemoglobusgleebglorbianglipglop. My extraterrestrial planet fell to they gorgonians who used it to take crops and sell them in the outer space market. I fled to earth with family then we took on the forms of you fleshy mammals. Now it has been 10 years and I'm finally understanding terra firma culture. My favorite person on terra firma is a man named Akira Toriyama. He creates an anime I highly enjoy called Dragon Ball. It is like my story a young boy gets sent to earth after his planet gets destroyed and he lives on earth while making new friends along the way. He makes me feel better when I think about home.